Home Remedies You Should Try At Home To Whiten Your Skin.

Healthy glowing skin is one of the major concerns of every girl in general. Girls would find any ways to get a flawless skin. They even try cosmetic products to improve their skin's appearance and get an instant glowing skin, without realizing that those treatments will only provide temporary results. They should be aware that those cosmetic products contained chemical ingredients that can give certain side effects when they are used on a long term. In this review, we will be discussing how milk can help and do wonders on your skin.

Milk is a very common health drink. It has been known since ages for a huge lot of benefits it has got to offer you. It is full of nutrients that can make your skin more youthful and glowing. Apply directly on your skin, leave for 10 minutes and wash with cold water and you will see the difference. But of course you can mix the milk with any natural herbs to become more effective. Below are some of the home remedies you should try at home to whiten your skin and achieve healthier and glowing skin naturally.

1. Milk with Lemon- Soak one slice of lemon in a 1/2 cup of whole milk for about 15 minutes. Rub the milk onto your skin and leave it overnight. Wash your skin thoroughly in the morning.

2. Milk with Honey- Prepare 1 tbsp of powdered milk and 1 tbsp of honey. Mix equal parts powdered milk and honey and apply to skin, rub your face using fingers in a circular motion. Wash your skin with warm water. This is typically safe to do every other day, but always pay attention to your skin and if it seems too much, drop down to twice a week.

3. Milk with Oatmeal- Prepare 1 tbsp of oatmeal mix with a little warm water. The water must be comfortable to touch add, not too hot. Wait 5 minutes until the oatmeal absorb  the water properly and it's ready to use. Massage your skin in a circular motion using this scrub for 1-2 minutes and rinse with cold water to close the pores of your skin.

4. Milk with Egg and Honey- You just need 1 whole egg, 2 tbsp of powdered milk and 1 tbsp of honey. Mix the ingredient in a small bowl, using hand mixture to get a fluffier texture. Apply and leave for 15 minutes until dry. Wash skin and see the difference.

5. Milk with Turmeric powder and a little bit Lemon-  Take a teaspoon of fresh milk cream and mix ¼ teaspoon of powdered turmeric as well as some lemon juice to it. After applying on your skin, let it remain for about 15 minutes. Then, gently massage it for about 5 minutes and rinse it off. It will leave your skin soft and glowing than ever before.


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